
Since inception the company has completed approximately 60 different assignments with clients in the US, Europe, Japan and the Middle East. Pete has also provided due diligence support for a variety of energy tech venture capital investment firms. Audited major international turbo-compressor company’s current business practices.

Provided strategic and tactical direction to improve results. Developed Strategy and supporting Business Plan for a major international gas turbine manufacturer.

Created and/or supported positioning strategies for various micro and mini-turbine developers.

Identified and developed Strategic Partnership relationship for a new market entrant at 500kW and 1.6MW.

Prepared a preliminary cost study for a novel 350kW gas turbine engine.

Participated in a detailed risk assessment for a major U. S. gas turbine manufacturer.

Developed product and commercialization strategies for various component manufacturers:

-Compressor technologies


-Web-based asset management and command & control software

-Fuel gas boosters

-High speed motor/generators

-Power electronics

-Investment castings

-Wind turbines

Performed investment due diligence work for venture capital firms J. P. Morgan Partners, Perseus, Thayer Capital and Metapoint Partners to evaluate opportunities:

-Air & gas compressors

-Micro and mini gas turbines

-Natural gas fired reciprocating engine

-Stirling engine

-Steam turbine

-Blowers/vacuum pumps

-Hydrogen on-site generation

-Zinc/Air fuel cell power system

Consulting services for a small scale modular SOFC

Advisor for an under-hood 5kW PTO generator

Interim Program Manager for STM Power’s Stirling engine development

Developed both a detailed Corporate Business Plan and a Product Strategy for a novel Oil-free Turbo Compressor concept (Ramgen)

Evaluated an Oil-Free Vane Compressor concept.

Consultant to Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA)

-Contributing Editor Turbomachinery International with over 40 Op-Ed columns published

Board Observer STM Power

Peer reviewer for DoE Advanced Microturbine and Recuperator Programs.

Expert witness NY State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and SoCal Gas

Featured speaker

-Gas Technology Institute, , EPRI DG, CERA Week, Gas Research Institute, DoE

-Energy Venture Fair, Harvard Cyberposium, Energy Frontiers International

-Ohio Department of Economic Development, American Society of Materials

-CERA Rountables, Distributed Energy Advisory Service

ASME – International Gas Turbine Institute

-Member Electric Power Committee & Fuels Committee Chairman 2013-Current

Ingersoll-Rand Corporate Witness